Some Major Liberian Natural Resources
Palm Nuts
Sugar Cane













Coming Soon











About LACC

Introduction To LACC

“As Liberia moves forward from the difficulties of the recent past into a phase of reconstruction and development, foreign direct investment (FDI) must play a role in helping the country rebuild in many different ways” Said Her Excellency Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf. For Liberia to make such a desire a reality, many Liberians in collaboration with Americans, and other individuals we will have to double our efforts by initiating and supporting activities that will complement what the President and her government are doing. read more

Welcome To LACC

Welcome to the Liberian-American Chamber of Commerce, your gateway to doing business in Liberia. Our goal is to help keep you informed regarding Liberia's business and investment potentials or opportunities. Our web site will contains information for entreprenuers as well as consumers regarding what to look for before you make that plunge in doing business in Liberia

Your Guide To Doing Business In Liberia

LACC, in its effort to encourage Liberians and Americans to do business in Liberia, will provide the information, knowledge and up dates needed to establish business in Liberia. One of LACC's goals is to become the gateway to doing business in Liberia, a clearinghouse for business information.

Liberia, A Country In Transition

Currently moving forward from a time of transition, Liberia has for the past four years, together with international partners, worked to ensure a peaceful society and to revive its once thriving economy, but the long path of reconstruction remains a severe challenge. The Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed in Accra, Ghana, in 2003 still holds strong with the support of a 15,000 strong UN peacekeeping mission. The National Transition Government of Liberia (NTGL) was succeeded by peaceful legislative and presidential elections in October 2005, with Ellen Johnson Sirleaf becoming Liberia’s-and Africa’s-first democratically elected female head of state

LACC To Invoke People To People Contact

When ever you hear about relationship among countries it is usually limited to the governments of the countries involved, but if a group of Liberians and Americans have their way, such relationship will go beyond the usual diplomatic circles into what could be a people to people connection. The people of Liberia and the people of America coming in direct contact with each other to promote friendship and use such friendship to inspire business opportunities in Liberia. read more


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